
21-27 Jul 2024
Madrid, Spain

XX International Botanical Congress

The IBC takes place every six years under the supervision of the International Association for Botanical and Mycological Societies (IABMS). The 20th was scheduled to take place in 2023 in Brazil after Shenzhen’s (China) 2017. Unfortunately, the difficult situation caused by the worldwide pandemic has made impossible to organize this big event in Brazil in 2023.

Rooted in the tradition of Systematic Botany, the IBCs have enlarged their scope over more than a century to become an integrated forum for knowledge on the plant and mycological world. Please take a look at the broad scope of topics that we hope to include in this upcoming IBC in this site.

The Congress will include plenary lectures, concurrent symposia ―for which we will ask for proposals in Spring 2022—, posters, exhibitors, as well as short courses and workshops.

Learn more here.