
17 May 2024

PollinERA launches a project collection in the RIO Journal with an introductory publication

One of PollinERA’s key objectives is to support the proactive, open science transfer of results and scientific achievements. Against this background, PollinERA has introduced an open-access scientific collection in the Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) journal. This initiative is an important step towards broader project visibility and improved dissemination of publicly accessible project outcomes.

Snapshot from PollinERA's collection in RIO

As the PollinERA project progresses, the RIO collection will continue to expand, serving as a repository for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners and offering a diverse array of reports, protocols, methodologies, and research papers, along with links to project publications in other journals. All project articles will be accessible through the project’s collection page, ensuring that PollinERA’s outcomes remain findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable beyond the project’s lifetime. 

The first official publication in the collection is the project’s grant proposal giving detailed information on the objectives, mission, methodology and impact of PollinERA.

Snapshot from PollinERA's grant proposal published in RIO

The RIO journal aims to catalyse the culture change in research communication by promptly and comprehensively publishing ideas, proposals and diverse outcomes of the research cycle. The journal employs a transparent, open, and public peer-review process, covering diverse academic domains such as science, technology, humanities, and the social sciences.

You can access PollinERA's collection here and read PollinERA's grant proposal here.